Monday, December 19, 2011

The Consequences of the Anglo-Nepal War

  • Nepal had to sigh an insulting treaty.
  • Nepal lost one-third of its total land to the East India Company. The places lost by Nepal are Kumaun, Gadwal, Nainital, Darjeeling etc.
  • British representatives continued to interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal, which was against the spirit of the treaty.
  • Downfall of Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa and conspiracy within the palace of Nepal.
  • Nepal's unification and expansion campaign came to an end forever.
  • Recruitment of Nepalese youths in the British army began.


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  2. It's very helpful. Post information about other historical events of Nepal also. Helps me in studies.

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  5. it is very helpul you vishal pokhrel 2073 pinnacle school take money while teaching in exam

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