Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Initial Period

Initial Period is the first period in the history of Nepal.It comprises of three dynasties, they are Gopala Dynasty, Mahispal Dynasty and Kirat Dynasty. This period lasted for more than 2000 years. Actual date of start of this period is not available as information of the first two dynasties are extracted from the hindu epics, texts and holy books of various temples and stupas.

According to the holy books and epics, kaliyuga started in the dense forest lied in the bottom of the himalaya (Nepal Valley or now Kathmandu Valley) where Gopal  Dynasty emerged and ruled. They were the first rulers.Essentially, they entered Nepal from India. Their main occupation was rearing cows. They developed  the concept of ownership very slowly. Bhuktamaan was the first king of this dynasty and Yaskya Gupt was the last king. Eight Gopal Kings ruled upto 505 years and 3 months.

After Gopals, 'Mahispal Period' entered Nepal and ruled.They defeated Gopals and started their reign. Their main occupation was 'Buffalo rearing'. Their concept of ownership is little bit advanced than the Gopals. The first king of Mahispal dynasty was Var Singh while the last king was Bhuwan Singh. Three Mahispal Kings ruled Nepal for 161 years and 2 months.

Then Kirats defeated Mahispals and thirty-two Kirati Kings ruled for 1225 years and 8 months. This is the Initial Period of Nepalese History. The information on above two dynasties, Gopals and Mahispals has not been found yet in brief. The later one, Kirats period will be described on up coming article.

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